MEN'S PENNANT 2024/2025
Members are reminded that pennant practice will commence on Saturday 5th October and Thursday 10th October 2024.
The first pennant games will commence on Saturday 26th October and 31st October 2024.
It is important that your selectors are aware of those bowlers who are unavailable on any given date.
Therefore bowlers are requested to indicate on the Pennant Unavailability Sheets, the dates on which they will be absent. Sheets are located on the Men’s Pennant Notice Board.
Jeff Sheppard
Chair Men’s Selectors
Ladies Pennant Promotions 2023/2024
During the 2023/2024 Tuesday Pennant Season the Warwick Bowling Club ladies submitted teams in four divisions.
Congratulations to all participants and selectors on the excellent results attained.
Three of our four divisions achieved promotion for the 2024/2025 Pennant Season which is a fantastic effort of which all should be proud.
Division 1 White promoted to Premier League
Division 2 Green promoted to Division 1 Green
Division 3 Blue promoted to Division 2